Poured Out

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Poured Out

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        I have spent some time this year thinking about how I ought to think about it.        Yes, you read that right. I came into 2025 with two major setbacks. One was that I didn't get my book published even close to the time frame I wanted to due to Amazon's confusing formatting regulations...still working on that. The

The Night Before Christmas

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The Night Before Christmas

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     Here we are, finally, three days after I should have written this post. I apologise for the delay, faithful readers. I might have been able to make an excuse for Christmas Eve, as I was extremely busy, however, no reasonable excuse can be concocted for the following days. I was merely lazy. All that aside, here we

The Second Day to Christmas

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The Second Day to Christmas

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       Today we return to wassailing, which we touched on briefly when I discussed the apple tree carol earlier. "Wassail" comes from the old Norse for "good health," and was the practice of going about town with spiced ale and drinking the good health of the people and things you encountered at each house. The wassail bowl was

The Third Day to Christmas

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The Third Day to Christmas

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       Today's will be short. Technically this is yesterday's. Hush. We shall pretend it was not posted today. You know this carol, I hope. Happily, I believe it has become much more well known in the last five or ten years meaning it requires little introduction, and even less commentary. I wanted to share a Christmas carol for

The Fourth Day to Christmas

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The Fourth Day to Christmas

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      There are problems when one is trying to sing a carol written sometime in the 1600s, in a different language than the original. Tunes are preserved far more easily, I have discovered, and, with today's carol, I finally gave up trying to find something on youtube that sang either the original Catalan words, or a semi-accurate translation.
