Today's will be short. Technically this is yesterday's. Hush. We shall pretend it was not posted today. You know this carol, I hope. Happily, I believe it has become much more well known in the last five or ten years meaning it requires little introduction, and even less commentary. I wanted to share a Christmas carol for Sunday that would not require any research on my end, or learning on yours. Of course the issue was that this didn't get posted yesterday as planned, but we won't talk about that.
Enjoy this timeless carol which compares our incarnate Lord to a rose in bloom.
Lo, how a rose e’er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage coming,
As men of old have sung.
It came, a floweret bright,
Amid the cold of winter,
When half spent was the night.
Isaiah ’twas foretold it,
The rose I have in mind;
With Mary we behold it,
The virgin mother kind.
To show God’s love aright,
She bore to men a Savior,
When half spent was the night.
The shepherds heard the story
Proclaimed by angels bright,
How Christ, the Lord of glory
Was born on earth this night.
To Bethlehem they sped
And in the manger found Him,
As angel heralds said.
This flower, whose fragrance tender
With sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor
The darkness everywhere;
True man, yet very God,
From sin and death He saves us,
And lightens every load.
O Savior, child of Mary,
Who felt our human woe,
O Savior, King of glory,
Who dost our weakness know;
Bring us at length we pray,
To the bright courts of Heaven,
And to the endless day!
Until Tomorrow(sort of),
~ Christianna
What a beautiful carol, I love all the words!
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