1 Partridge In Ye Old Pear Tree

           This past weekend I got to spend a delightful weekend with dear friends in Tennessee. Since the poster event was a costume 40's Noir LARP party, we spent that Saturday morning laughing over costumes, walking around in each other's high heels, trying on ridiculous hats and clip-on earrings, doing each other's hair, experimenting with Russian, British, and New England accents, and generally having a hilariously good time. You know what it's like when you're so engaged in the moment, and having so much good, honest, simple fun that you are no longer thinking about living, you're just doing it.

Time doesn't exist. Pain, problems, and perdition have become void. You're functioning no longer from one moment to the next, you simply are

I wonder if that's part of what God means when He calls Himself the "I AM." He is perfectly sufficient, satisfied, and serene. If anybody knows best how to just be, it is God Himself. There is no worry, wondering, or want with God. How else can you put it except to simply say that He just is?

        When we are living life in all its fullness, and in an immersed state of rejoicing, I wonder if that is when we are most like God and experiencing just a taste of what heaven will be like. We are commanded to rejoice so much in the Scriptures. It would require no stretch of the imagination to believe that we were made for rejoicing. 

        The best part of it all is that the one thing that could and should keep us from rejoicing, our sin, has been taken out of the way by the death and resurrection of our glorious Savior! Friends, this day, of all the days in the year should be one of the most joyful for that reason alone. We have no more cause to mourn in the fullest sense of the word. Yes, on this earth there will be reason to grieve, but ultimately the believer's grief must always give place to an even greater joy.

 We can sing those lines from the Sussex carol confidently:

 And Why should man on earth be so sad, 
Since our redeemer made us glad?
When from our sin He set us free,
All for to gain our liberty!

To think, we can and must rejoice because our Redeemer has indeed made us glad.

      So, whatever you do this Christmas, whether it's dressing up for Noir parties, swing dancing with that little sibling who's enthusiasm guides his feet, hanging homemade gingerbread on the Christmas tree, playing croquet with brothers who are determined to trounce you at whatever cost...do it all with joy and gladness...live fully in the moment because you have the freedom to do so, and in so doing you are blessing others and glorifying our Lord.

        Our Redeemer has indeed made us glad which is why the final carol for this season is a beautiful German Carol which I am posting in English for my listener's benefit (You're welcome), "All My Heart This Night Rejoices."

All my heart his night rejoices 
As I hear, far and near, 
Sweetest angel voices: 
‘Christ is born!’ their choirs are singing, 
Till the air ev’rywhere 
Now with joy is ringing. 
Hark! a voice from yonder manger, 
Soft and sweet, doth entreat, 
‘Flee from woe and danger! 
Brethren, come! from all doth grieve you, 
You are freed; all you need 
I will surely give you.’ 
Come, then, let us hasten yonder! 
Here let all, great and small, 
Kneel in awe and wonder! 
Love him who with love is yearning! 
Hail the star that from far 
Bright with hope is burning! 
Thee, dear Lord, with heed I’ll cherish, 
Live to thee, and with thee, 
Dying, shall not perish; 
But shall dwell with thee for ever, 
Far on high, in the joy 
That can alter never.

        Isn't that last verse beautiful? Actually, they're all beautiful. If you're going to learn a new Christmas carol this year and only have time for one, I would recommend this one. 

           Thank you for joining me on this twelve day journey of singing. Continue to rejoice with me as we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

             Merry Christmas!

                      ~ Christianna

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Bridgette said...

Another great countdown till Christmas! Thanks again!