Today's post will be very short. I have too many things to do today, and not enough hours in the day to do them. This is a carol I wanted to share last year, but couldn't find it on Youtube. So, this year, I elected to put it on Youtube myself. For better or for worse, I spent time that I would normally have used to write, ripping the CD and creating a semi-decent video...really just an easily listenable audio file...and now have no time to write.
Here we are. I love this carol. Very simple, very sweet. (If you say "demure," I shall glare at you.)
There are not enough good Christmas carols written for children, and, by good, I mean carols that adults can enjoy too. This is one of them. Last year I shared another carol by this same composer, Emmanuel, by Vince Ambrosetti. Today it's his gentle narrative, "Listen Children."
I think the carol speaks for itself. Happy Christmas seven days away.
Listen children, into the night,
The stars burn with wonder, singing their light.
Come then, children, open your hearts,
And make there a manger for Jesus, the Lord.
For this is Christmas, time of peace,
We search with Wise Men as the angels sing.
Our hearts take flight, our voices ring,
We pledge our love to the newborn King.
Listen children, into the dawn,
The heavens are singing glory to God.
Come then, children, open your hearts,
And welcome the newborn Saviour Child.
Listen children, into the dusk,
The heavens are gently singing their song.
Come then, children, waken your hearts,
And make there a dwelling for Jesus the Lord.
Child born of wonder,
Child born of light,
Come make us your lantern burning ever bright.
What think you?
Until Tomorrow,
~ Christianna
Great work putting that on YouTube! I loved the simple piano and the lyrics (especially saying the Wise Men were searching for Jesus). Seems like the song would be easy to learn and teach to children.
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