Celebrating Romance...


         Some people use Valentine's day as an excuse to send friends lovely cards, which I've very much enjoyed. Some, to remember the courageous martyrs for Christianity; the original reason for Valentine's day. And many try to pretend the holiday doesn't exist, but in the end, we can't escape it. Here in America Valentine's day can be encapsulated in one word: Romance. It's a day for marital love. A celebration of couples...

       I'll admit I've always rather despised Valentine's day. When I was younger it was because I didn't fully understand what it was celebrating, but when I was older, it was because I fully understood it. At that point, it was probably out of a mixture jealousy, (because I never had a sweetheart to bring me red roses and serenade under my window) and disdain (because I consoled myself that I was above such piddling fancies). The older one gets as a single, the more one feels, pardon the pun, singled out on this holiday. Maybe it's when you are seated at the single's table at your church's Valentine's day party because some well-meaning coordinator is hoping tonight might be the lucky night you get paired off with your Prince a.k.a the twenty-five year old engineer who's tone deaf and makes bad jokes about playing piano...not happening, people! Or there's the time when meetup starts flooding your inbox with single's gatherings in full force around Valentine's day (I despise single's meetings; it's like eating only ice-cream every day; unhealthy and certainly boring). Or it's seeing the happy couple, laughing and holding hands, dressed in their best red and black formals while you slog your way down the sidewalk alone, trying not to let your obvious longing betray itself in your gaze.

      All in all, I think it came down to the fact that I resented the holiday because I couldn't celebrate it. In spite of how it often goes down, you really need two to celebrate Valentine's day. I won't be part of the percentage of women who buy flowers for themselves on Valentine's day; utterly pointless in my opinion, because it's not about the flowers, the special dinner or even the serenades. It's the person which matters to me.

      Well, after a good deal of thought on the subject, I've decided that when one looks at it clearly, a holiday that celebrates romance and marriage isn't a bad thing at all. In fact, it's probably a good thing. It gives people in those relationships a chance to take extra special thought over their sweethearts. And personally I am looking forward to the time when I get to do that for my special fellow. However, I don't think I will, or at least I'll try not to, resent the holiday simply because I can't participate in it right now.

        We have an entire book in God's word that's enough to make a grown man blush and that isn't a bad thing. This is the day my father came home with a bouquet of lovely red roses for my mother. And I really do love to see all the sweet things people do for each other on this day, not to mention a few of my darling little students made me valentine's cards over the past week. 

       So what am I going to do today? Not mope, feel sorry for myself, or over indulge in chocolate (Ugh, why would I do that anyway?). I'm going to practice my music, keep pushing forward with my composing and arranging, teach lessons with a smile, and cheerfully wish everybody a happy Valentine's day.

     I'm also going to share a special song with you all, which I have come to enjoy, mainly for the truth of it in my own life, but also, I really love the singer's voice.

        Ladies and Gentlemen, this is dedicated to all you singles out there who have yet to fall in love!


      Happy Valentines day friends, and please don't eat too much chocolate!

         ~ Christianna


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Unknown said...

I was just thinking about this idea this morning! I think it's good to appreciate Valentine's Day, even as a single, because like you said--God gave us a beautiful gift in romance and marriage. And another upside of being single on Valentine's Day is that it gives you a chance to realize that romance isn't the ultimate good in life. =)

Christianna Hellwig said...

Great point Katherine. Thanks for sharing that. :) I actually need to remember that more; romance isn't the ultimate good!