The Eighteenth and Eight More Days

           Have you ever noticed that Christmas is always associated with light? That, in fact, all through the Scriptures, God is the God of light? One of my favorite Christmas carols has a verse which goes something like this:

 Rank on Rank the Host of Heaven,
Spreads its Vanguard on the the way,
As the Light of lights descendeth,
From the realms of endless day;
That the powers of hell may vanish,
As the darkness flees away.

   God is not only the Light of lights, but has come to chase away the darkness. I love the analogy of God to light, because it reminds me that God's power is infinite, and cannot be conquered. What I mean by this, is that when you open the door to a dark closest, the darkness does not come out and flood the light room, instead the light comes and floods the dark closet. Light is a fascinating, mysterious entity on earth, and darkness is not a thing it itself, merely the absence of a thing; light. This is to me an apt demonstration God and evil, God is not one force and the powers of evil another, waging war with each other, instead, it is God and the absence of God, an absence created by creatures who want nothing to do with God and allowed by God for the time being. 
       But now the light has come. And we are its lanterns. God's light dwells in us, and where ever we go we have the ability to dispel the darkness, not by efforts of our own, but simply by allowing Christ's light to shine through us. What a glorious privilege, my friends. 

   .....And it all started with one little light born in one little baby in one little town of Bethlehem....Sometimes when I think about it, God's methods confound me....I certainly wouldn't have chosen to do it that way, would you? 

       As we think on this wond'rous truth, as we reflect on God's light, let's pause and listen to this beautiful work by Kim Andre Arnesen, "His Light in Us."

God’s distant call
flares in the night,
so long expected, so longed for;
and all my life,
Christ called my name,
and now at last, I’ll answer Him.

Renewed, his hope,
his light in us,
incarnate, fragile,
our Lord appears,
Alleluia, alleluia!
so perfect,
His cry of changeless love.
Alive, awake,
His call is here:
it is the crying of the Child;
I know Christ’s call,
its hidden flame,
it makes my spirit flare with hope!
This root, this stem, this flowering Love,
this mustard seed, it grows to the greatest tree, the birds of souls have nested there.
The light of the night
Now blazes at dawn!
You’ve lead me here,
O little child,
your being singing with God’s life.
The kingdom sings,
it choirs with earth,
all creation lives Christ’s peace.
       Think about it. This is the kind of God who came down to dwell in us. I love the chorus best on this song, "Eternal, so perfect, His cry of Changeless love." Take this song into your hearts, today, and carry it with you. I guarantee whatever you're doing, dwelling on this chorus will make it all so much better, knowing that His light is in us.

      ~ Christianna

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Lisa Hellwig said...

Hauntingly lifting. Thank you, dear.
Where are you finding all these gems?

Christianna Hellwig said...

Oh, I have my ways. As I said at the beginning, I've been plotting and planning for quite some time. ;)